Are you Depressed? | Comments

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  • humans are so peculiar. we're all conscious and yet so many of us have that consciousness turned against us to the point where we'd rather destroy not only our bodies, but the hearts of those who actually care??

    im one of the silly humans too unfortunately, i really rather i wasn't, being conscious is fun until the imposter syndrome kicks in, i want to be a moth when my soul splits

  • Sixty two percent depressed,eh I feel like it's more than that sense my parents don't let me ever live a actual life and are quite controlling. I'm also trying to overcome a eating disorder on my own as well. I just can't wait till I can move out I feel like life will be better than.

  • If anyone here thinks they are a lost cause, your not. I have delt with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts before. That was a year ago. I felt like everyone hated me and I started to hate myself. But I found that God loves me no matter what I do or who I am. I don't have to present myself as perfect to Him because I am already perfect in Him. And so are you. If you need help, I recommend joining a church or youth group and try listening to some worship music. (I recommend Defender by Franchesca Battistelli, The Blessing by Kari Jobe, and Sound Mind by Melissa Helser)

  • I got I'm not depressed, just sad. I admit, I am kinda sad. School is starting back up and I don't have a lot of good memories related to school and it's making me scared. My parents say that everything will be fine, but I'm not sure it will. And I'm starting the 8th grade in a new school. I don't know anybody or how things go in the school. I don't know if they learned things I didn't learn, if they do things very differently, or if I'll make any friends...

    I trust that God will help me through this school year, like He always has, but I'm still scared.

  • Yay depression time to finish one of the books I am writing also known as one of the few reasons I havent committed suicide yet

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: You have Depression. 81%

    It seems that you do have Depression. I know you might hear this a lot but you Must talk to someone. The longer you keep things bottled up the worse everything will get. I WARN YOU. If you allow Depression to claim you; both your mental and physical health will suffer; it will affect every aspect of your life in a negative way. It will destroy you. Please I beg of you don't let Depression do to you what it did to me.

    45% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    6% Not Depressed. Just Sad.
    0% Your Happy with your Life!
    I knew it. I just knew it.

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: Your Happy with your Life! 88%

    Well it seems that you are happy with your life. You don't have any signs of Depression. Since you got this result may I ask of you a favour? Do whatever you can you to live your life and don't let Depression claim you or any of your loved ones.

    33% Not Depressed. Just Sad.
    -0% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% You have Depression.

    Or maybe this is the best score you can get, LoL?!

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: Your Happy with your Life! 91%

    Well it seems that you are happy with your life. You don't have any signs of Depression. Since you got this result may I ask of you a favour? Do whatever you can you to live your life and don't let Depression claim you or any of your loved ones.

    40% Not Depressed. Just Sad.
    6% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% You have Depression.
    Yay, lovely. Even better yawn

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: Your Happy with your Life! 91%

    Well it seems that you are happy with your life. You don't have any signs of Depression. Since you got this result may I ask of you a favour? Do whatever you can you to live your life and don't let Depression claim you or any of your loved ones.

    44% Not Depressed. Just Sad.
    3% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% You have Depression.
    Yay, even better than before!

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: Your Happy with your Life! 88%

    Well it seems that you are happy with your life. You don't have any signs of Depression. Since you got this result may I ask of you a favour? Do whatever you can you to live your life and don't let Depression claim you or any of your loved ones.

    40% Not Depressed. Just Sad.
    7% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% depressed
    Yay, better scores than last time for me!

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: Your Happy with your Life! 89%

    Well it seems that you are happy with your life. You don't have any signs of Depression. Since you got this result may I ask of you a favour? Do whatever you can you to live your life and don't let Depression claim you or any of your loved ones.

    58% Not Depressed. Just Sad.
    15% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% You have Depression.

    Yay. "Happy" result, because I no longer fall for Putin's lies, lol.

  • %74. I am good

  • 81% not that bad?I oversleep I stay up cant go to bed sadly and Ive always had extreme mood swings and really bad anger issues so that sucks but I dont think its depression hopefully not,and I did try cutting my wrist once or twice and I dont wanna start the day but I think Im good.

    • I dont wanna go into more detail

  • We, humans, are irredeemable, completely irredeemable. Why can't the asteroid just goddamn hit? You mighty... b----...

  • chgchktfckuyh

  • cvkghckhgcg

  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: You have Depression. 90%

    It seems that you do have Depression. I know you might hear this a lot but you Must talk to someone. The longer you keep things bottled up the worse everything will get. I WARN YOU. If you allow Depression to claim you; both your mental and physical health will suffer; it will affect every aspect of your life in a negative way. It will destroy you. Please I beg of you don't let Depression do to you what it did to me.

    43% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% Your Happy with your Life!
    0% Not Depressed. Just Sad.

    you're kidding, nobody loves me, NOBODY f---ING LOVES ME

  • I'm just sad

    Anna Vamila Mix
  • Your quiz results
    Are you Depressed?
    Your Result: You have Depression. 90%

    It seems that you do have Depression. I know you might hear this a lot but you Must talk to someone. The longer you keep things bottled up the worse everything will get. I WARN YOU. If you allow Depression to claim you; both your mental and physical health will suffer; it will affect every aspect of your life in a negative way. It will destroy you. Please I beg of you don't let Depression do to you what it did to me.

    51% There's a chance you may be Depressed.
    0% Your Happy with your Life!
    0% Not Depressed. Just Sad.

    Exactly true, except for getting help. Im facing authentic heartache, and theres nothing that will possibly fix it at all.

  • I have taken about 5 quizzes and they all say I have either severe depression or just say I have depression. So, that´s great! (Note the sarcasm.)

  • Everyday I hold in my tears and pretend to smile, But it hurts to hide how you really feel. :(

  • You have depression. Sounds about right for me :/ I have been constantly having mood swings, Not eating and loosing interest in some of my hobbies. I look in the mirror and think " I am so ugly!" I beat myself up and blame myself for things. I have been avoiding family and friends too. But what hurts the most is when people don't understand my depression and say stuff like "Quit feeling sorry for yourself'', Or ''Just get help then.'' I hate it when people say that because getting help when being depressed is a very hard thing to do. I am always trying or thinking of ways to hurt myself or commit suicide, I feel so lonely and want to die because I don't feel like I am special

    • Anyone using the word "pity" or the like is just like the rest of the goddamned human goyim: a filthy disgrace.

  • Not Depressed. Just Sad. 77%

    Since you got this result I would say that your not depressed but something else is bothering you which is making you sad. Find the source of this feeling and try and deal with it. Good Luck.


  • I have smiling depression, but I don't want to bring that drama into here. :3

    I'm just saying- lately, I've been getting extremely sensitive over useless things. My older sister said she would tell on me and I'd get grounded for doing research- I'm not sure why, but I nearly started crying.

    She always says I'm not depressed, I don't need braces, I'm overly sensitive, I'm the mental one, I'm a brat, etc.

    Sometimes, I wish I could break out in tears, with someone to understand me. I've fallen into the void of unhappiness, and it's a shame nobody will listen to anyone suffering from depression.

    I used to be the most happy, enthusiastic, optimistic one in the house- until suddenly, one morning, I woke up, looked in the mirror, and asked myself, "Who am I? Why do I matter?"

  • I am depressed I have like 5 friends but I can rarely talk to them about my life because Im a non-binary lesbian and they are all cis and straight. I have a gf but we live far apart from each other and we can rarely talk. Some days I eat too much and some days I dont eat at all. I hate myself! My parents know how I feel and they joke about it! For my 11th birthday (Im 12 now) they gave me a rope and said try not to kill yourself with this and my friends say that Im not depressed I just think that I am because Im emo! The only things that make me happy these days are acting and singing show tunes but whenever I do any of those things my parents yell at me to shut up! I need someone to talk to but no one will even consider bringing me to a therapist!

    • That's horrible, I just hide my tears back everyday pretending to be happy, But I am really deep in depression.

    • I'm so sorry that happens to you both, I don't know you but I am here for you!


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