Are you cutie, pretty, beautiful, ugly,average

This quiz is for people who aren't sure about themselves so if that's you, or if you just like having loads of fun, take this quiz, even a couple of times! See what you get, have fun.

It's time, to take the test/quiz, Be excited, be brave and remember if your not happy or satisfied with your score retake the quiz a couple times, cause say if you get altogether pretty, rebel, cute your all of those put together and more! :)

Created by: Abi Totle of Are you pretty, ugly, cutie, average, beautiful
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do others describe you?
  2. How would you describe your fashion
  3. How would you describe your house?
  4. What do you like best?
  5. which breed do u prefer?
  6. What first and middle name do your prefer
  7. What colour?
  8. If you saw your childhood bully what is the first thing you would do?
  9. What number is your favourite?
  10. Quiz is almost over

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Quiz topic: Am I cutie, pretty, beautiful, ugly,average