Are you crazy by Mr Dynasor

Hello My name is Mr Dynasor and I would like to test you on how crazy or sane you are. If you are boring, please don't reproduce. Also vote for Mr Dynasor in the election of 2020.

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Created by: Mr Dynasor
  1. Do you here voices?
  2. What would you name your child?
  3. What is your favorite cereal?
  4. Someone does the Nazi salute in public. What do you do?
  5. Which of the following is your favorite drink?
  6. Which of the following would you do as a career?
  7. Which is the most fun?
  8. Which of the following is you favorite book?
  9. How interesting in bed?
  10. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy by Mr Dynasor
