Are You Concieted?

Are you concieted? This is one thing you should definetly know about yourself! No one likes some one who always wants their way or some one who never ever voices their opinion.

Find out if your too concieted or if you dont have a backbone in your whole body at this quiz! Its important to always strive to better yourself and knowing things like this help out alot.

Created by: taylor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend just got dumped, but you were thinking of calling your boyfriend so you guys could hang out, you...
  2. Your at the mall and your friend wants to buy this new shirt, but she doesnt have enough, you......
  3. You have a date for the dance, but your friend doesnt you....
  4. You hear a rumor your friend has been dissing you behind your back, you......
  5. The star that closley describes you is....
  6. Your friend wants to spend some time with you she must........
  7. The guy your friend is in love with asks you out, you tell him.......
  8. You and your friend audition for a school play, you get the part! You......
  9. Your going on a road trip for the summer, but your friend's parents wont let her come, you......
  10. Your friend is writing a story about you and you dont like whats in it, you......

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Quiz topic: Am I Concieted?