Are You Beatiful?

I have taken a thousand of these quizes and none of them ask the right questions or give the right options. I finally decided to make one myself so that people can get a more accurate answer.

People always doubt if they are pretty or not, so instead of looking at a picture to make a biased answer, I have asked you questions that other people judge you on. Askiing you if people compliment you is a much better question than, do you thin kyou are pretty, those questions get you nowhere.

Created by: Katie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do people often compliment you?
  2. Have you ever asked antbody out? What did they say?
  3. What Kind of eyelashes do you have?
  4. Do you have acne?
  5. Do you need to wear makeup?
  6. Nose?
  7. Are you fat
  8. Your Lips?
  9. Wear do you shop?
  10. Are guys nice to you in PE when you mess up everything for the team?
  11. Do people often stand up for you?

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Quiz topic: Am I Beatiful?