Are you attractive

So are you attractive. Attractive people usually strive to be acctractive, while ugly people don't give a dam. Attractiveness can be good or bad, depending on your situation.

Are YOU attractive. Do you have what it take to be beautiful? If so, then, congrats brother (or sister). You EARNED it. Good luck in your dating life.

Created by: CoolK
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is you hair?
  2. What color are your eyes
  3. What is your hairstyle if your a girl
  4. What is your hairstyle for a boy
  5. Do you have acne/skin problems
  6. How fat are you
  7. How tall are you for your age
  8. How white are your teeth
  9. How athletic are you
  10. How often do you smile
  11. What race are you

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Quiz topic: Am I attractive