are you an rcs girl?

My quiz is about girls I go to school with. Some of us are smarter than others, but we all have different personallitys.We love to do all the things I listed as the choices.This quiz wasn't made up it is true about each and everyone of us. we are funny, smart, caring(at points), and we are all friends.

When you take this quiz you are bringing out one of us: Dana, Kailey, Alexxiss, and Kaitlyn. You are bring us to life.We love to talk, laugh, shop, play around with friends, and for some of us talk our boyfriends it is really fun being us four!

Created by: Dana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if your crush asked you out for a double date to the movies what do you do?
  2. you go to the carnival with your crush what type of ride do you go on with him?
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. what is your favorite type of food?
  5. what is your favorite subject in school?
  6. what is your crushes name?
  7. what is your favorite music artist?
  8. what is your favorite sport?
  9. what type of ice-cream do you like?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I an rcs girl?