Are you an asexual?

Asexual persons (unlike moss and amoeba) are people without sexual attraction to anyone. In a nutshell, they are the polar opposite to pansexuals (sexually attracted to persons of any gender). Whatever else you think constitutes asexuality is your own opinion or some backwater stereotype in which case you might wish to clarify those at

This quiz is based on the research called the asexual identification scale written by Lori Brotto, Morag Yule and Boris Gorzalka. The research was conducted as a means to determine asexuals based on very specific questions

Created by: GrimDX

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  1. I experience sexual attraction to other people. (Description is subjective, however, this simply means people may be perceived as sexually desirable by you. This question does not care about your sex drive.)
  2. I lack interest in sexual activity (This means that you don't care as much as your other peers when it comes to sex related stuff
  3. The labels of bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual (the conventional labels) do not adequately describe me
  4. The thought of sexual activity repulses me
  5. I find myself experiencing sexual attraction toward another person
  6. I am confused by how much interest and time other people put into sexual relationships
  7. The term "nonsexual" would be an accurate description of my sexual activity
  8. I would be content if I never had/will have sex.
  9. I would be relieved if I was told that I never had to engage in any sort of sexual activity again
  10. I go to great lengths to avoid situations in which sex might be expected of me
  11. My ideal relationship would not involve sexual activity. (Does not include items of fantasy or p--- or any of those things. This question looks at real life situations)
  12. Sex has no place in my life (Ignore items of fantasy)

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Quiz topic: Am I an asexual?