Are you an american idiot??

Are you a greedy american pig?.. or an upstanding american citizen? take the quiz to find out..20 questions......... its pretty detailed, and thats it now im just typing to fill in character space

once again the quiz description is in the first paragraph........just typing to fill up space. yea thats it this is just a space filler a complete waste of time read the top

Created by: jobob billy jethro
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is your favorite U.S president of the following?
  2. Are you a republican or a democrat?
  3. How do you view races and religions that differ from your own?
  4. Of the following, what is most important to you?
  5. Do you consider yourself lucky or blessed?
  6. what is africa to you?
  7. Of the following... what do you most desire?
  8. Label yourself please
  9. Do you consider yourself to be wealthy?
  10. How do you interact with people?
  11. In what year was America founded?
  12. What country would you prefer to live in alterative to the U.S?
  13. Which of the following U.S states would you prefer to live?
  14. A homeless man comes up to you and asks for some change, what do you do?
  15. Do you have a job yourself?
  16. Who did you vote for this past presidential election?
  17. if you needed a 10,000 doller loan... whare would you get it
  18. Final question....what is the meaning of life to you?

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Quiz topic: Am I an american idiot??