Are you a Yandere?

Ok, first of of all...Please don't take this seriously- this was made as a side project and any question that has to do with harm is NOT to be taken seriously, the results will NOT be 100% correct, and this was just made for fun -Pyro

This quiz is just a silly little thing i made, the questions are not 100% serious, and overall its just something that was originally made for me and my friends. Have fun pookers!!!

Created by: K-kn1v3s
  1. How far would you go for your love interest?
  2. What kinds of gifts do you like to give to your love interest?
  3. do you mind if other people speak to/ seem interested in your love interest?
  4. How do you feel about your love interest?
  5. Your love interest is possibly falling for someone else... one of their close friends that you know is flirting with them... How do you react?
  6. How would you react if someone harmed your love interest?
  7. Your love interest has a partner...and its not you. How do you react?
  8. You need to kill someone..What do you use?
  9. What would you say you are?
  10. Could you bring yourself to hurt someone?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Yandere?
