Are you a wink ?

Some people thing they are black but they arent those people are called wiggers. The people that think they are asian buy aren't are called winks. white people who think they are Mexican can also be called a Wick. those people that think they are what they are not annoy the rest of us who know truely who we are. take this to find out if you annoy other people by trying to act asian.

Are you a true Asian ? Find out how Asian you really are. take this to find out if you annoy other people by trying to act asian. If you take this and you get a very high percentage and you are not Asian rethink your life.

Created by: snowmon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love rice ?
  2. Are you the best person at video games you know ?
  3. Does your name have the letter x in it ?
  4. Is your grandma under 5 feet 3 inches tall ?
  5. Did your uncle create one of these cartoons: Pokemon, yu Gi Oh, Digimon,or Avatar
  6. Have you ever heard of Manga or Hentai ?
  7. Do you get staight A's ?
  8. Do you know any form of martial arts ?
  9. Are you pretty rich ?
  10. Is your curfew 7 P.M. ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a wink ?