are you a werewolf,vampire,or regular human

Have you ever wondered what popular creature you are?Are you a vampire, werewolf, or human?Find out in this quiz!And please, be honest so you get what you really are, because if you do that, then your lying to yourself.

Take this quiz to find out what kind of extrordinary, or amazing, creature you are!Or if your just normal!And remember, you are amazing the way you are! Good luck, and have fun!

Created by: Aaron

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is your gender?
  2. Where would you like to live?
  3. do you like to go out in the dark,rather then in the sunlight?
  4. what would you do if you start to get bullied?
  5. would you willingly drink blood?
  6. would you eat another human if you had to?
  7. do you enjoy nighttime, rather then daytime?
  8. do you consider yourself sometimes savage?
  9. are you pale?
  10. are you hairy?

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Quiz topic: Am I a werewolf,vampire,or regular human