Are you a werewolf or a humen?

Many people asore werewolves,many make a mad mob about them.What is a werewolf?a werewolf is a monster that might be real,it is a humen that during a fullmoon the person changes to half man half wolf.

Are YOU a werewolf?do you love meat,do you howl during a fullmoon?Or are you a humen that loves fruits and vegtibles and doesnt howl during a full moon.In just a few minutes you will find out wich one YOU are!

Created by: Mary Cortez
  1. Do you adore meat?
  2. What do you perfure,night or day?
  3. If the only thing on the table was a salad what would you think?
  4. Whats your best weapon for a fight?
  5. What do you do dearing a full moon?
  6. What would you dress up for halloween?
  7. What would you want for christmas?
  8. What would you say to the girl you liked?
  9. What would you say to the boy you liked?
  10. Do you like werewolves?

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Quiz topic: Am I a werewolf or a humen?