Are you a Vans fan?

Are you a Vans fan or not? Find out by taking this quiz. I'll just ask you some questions, and then you'll see by the end if your a fan or not. Farewell.

1. Do you like Vans 2. That's nice 3. boiboiboiboiboiboi 4. Bob did you call me last nice, because girl I be laughing 5. Yeet 6. What's ya'll name 7. eh 8. **************** 9. Hi

Created by: not telling
  1. Do you even like Vans?
  2. Whats your favorite pair shown below?
  3. How often do you buy shoes?
  4. Are Vans comfortable?
  5. Where is Van's headquarters?
  6. Do you think your a Vans fan?
  7. Do you even own a pair?
  8. Do you even know what Vans are?
  9. What's your favorite style of Vans?
  10. Are Vans legit?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Vans fan?

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