Are you a True Miley Cyrus Fan?

Here you will take a quiz about the one of a kind, Miley Cyrus!! You will learn about her and even get to know stuff that seems wired!If you just took the time to take this test maybe you can be a True Miley Cyrus Fan.

Are You a Miley Cyrus Fan? Do you really know her? Well you are in the right place to take this quiz! But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out that you really are Miley Cyrus's BFF

Created by: Cayla
  1. What show is Miley on??
  2. Where was Miley born??
  3. What is her favorite Color??
  4. When was Miley Born??
  5. How many Sibs does she have??
  6. What is her Favorite type of Music??
  7. What is her Favorite Animal??
  8. How did she get the name Miley??
  9. What is her Eye Color??
  10. Whats Miley's Reall Name??

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Miley Cyrus Fan?