Are you a true friend?

Theyre are good friends in this world but are YOU one! if you are you might as well give yourself and 100!! if your a good friend or if you dont know find it out!

Do you take the right choices for being a friend? Do you like friends if you d take this quiz to find out if you are! In a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Nicki

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see you best friends getting made fun of by the new kid. you:
  2. Your friend's bff comes and you start to get jealous cuz' she is only hangin' out with her you:
  3. Your friend accidentely hits u in gym you:
  4. You and your friend have a huge fight and she deletes ur number off her phone you:
  5. Your friend lost your dollar she let you borrow you:
  6. If your friend leaves the school and forgets your number what do you do?
  7. Do you give your best friend cool b-day gifts?
  8. Do you and your friend hang out a lot?
  9. Do you call your friend?
  10. Do you sit with ur friend at lunch?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true friend?