Are You a Toxic Player?

Video games are a special way for people to relax and get their minds off of other stressful things in their life. But many have their purpose is to win and beat other people. Take this quiz to see if you are a toxic person or not.

Let's start! Remember, video games are for your mind to not stress or anything! If you keep being toxic, your mind is not having the inner peace you were expected to!

Created by: CrystalAngie
  1. Do you order people around after you lose in a game?
  2. Do you get angry when you lose?
  3. Did anyone ever tell you to calm down because you lost?
  4. Do you try to take control over someone?
  5. Do you shout or blame someone just because you lost?
  6. Do you taunt?
  7. Do you try to cheat if you are about to lose?
  8. Is it never a good game if you lose?
  9. Do you try to be the boss of everyone?
  10. Final question: Do you think you are toxic?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Toxic Player?

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