are you a tom boy

whats you name i'm Ella what do you mean i mean i said my name whats a name what you could and how you now you self so ask you friends and the will say the same thing

are you a tom boy i don't think you are try BOO! no well try pick up a snake or a huge spider and kill the dark things that make you scared like my channel youtube Ella whiston and have fun.

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who won the world cup?
  2. what would you do if a girl said wanna play barbie's ?
  3. if you could change you name what would it be ?
  4. do you have a brother or sister and do u play with them what do you play?
  5. what do you wear?
  6. whats you fave film ?
  7. what you fave music
  8. what's you fave treat ?
  9. how old our you?
  10. how old our you?

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Quiz topic: Am I a tom boy