Are you a therian? (NOT 100% ACCURATE)

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questioning if you're an alter-human? or just doing this quiz for fun? see if you're a therian, otherkin or otherhearted! remember, quizes aren't 100% accurate, so do your research!

This quiz will tell you if you MIGHT be a therian/otherkin or otherhearted:) PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS NOT 100% ACCURATE PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE SAYING YOU'RE AN ALTER-HUMAN!!!๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฒ

Created by: Autumnthefox
  1. do you feel connected to any animals?
  2. do you ever feel like you shold've been born as an animal?
  3. did you ever had any phantom shifts?
  4. did you ever walk on all 4s?
  5. do you feel more like animals from earth, or mythical ones?
  6. Do you belive in past lifes? and if yes, do you think you were a human, something mythical, or an animal?
  7. do you feel like you don't belong this world?
  8. pick emojis!
  9. what did you think of this quiz??
  10. byeee sorry this was so short, i will maybe update it later!

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian? (NOT 100% ACCURATE)
