Are you a therian?

This quiz can be for informational or fun purposes, just know if you have any questions ask me in the comments!, I hope you enjoy the quiz, remember, this is just a fun and maybe informational quiz. Don’t take any answer to heart!

Enjoy, I’ll put some information about Therianthropy at the end of the quiz so you understand a bit better, I haven’t been a therian for very long so this is just for fun! Enjoy!

Created by: River
  1. Do you like dressing as an animal and/or acting like one?
  2. Have you played house before or any games where there’s an animal? (I have, I usually play games and I’m an animal ❤) if so, what where you?
  3. Have you ever ran around outside and/or inside and acted like an animal?
  4. Do you have any pets? If so do you feel like one of them/want to be like them?
  5. Have you ever experienced phantoms limbs (ex:ears, tail, whiskers, snout/muzzle, wings, ext.)?
  6. Have you ever done quadrobics without wanting to?(I have)
  7. Have you ever made animal noises without warning? (Ex: such as barking, meowing, hissing?)
  8. I’m running out of questions, have you done any reasearch in Therianthropy?
  9. Do you have certain environments you feel comfy in? (Ex: jungle, desert, forest, countryside, etc?)
  10. Do you feel comfortable around others?

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?
