Are You a Teen Titans Go Person?

I hope you got to be a teen titan but if you did not that is okay. This quiz was not to be taking serious. But if you are a titan that is good. I think you are perfect the way you are.

Did you get a titan? If so awesome! If not better luck next time. I hope you don't take this quiz serious. Even you are not a titan I think you are awesome?

Created by: Sandy
  1. Are you nice?
  2. Are you a robot?
  3. Can you tern into animals?
  4. Do you have black hair?
  5. Do you eat meat?
  6. Are you a girl or a boy?
  7. Do you ever wear a skert?
  8. Do you like pizza?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Are you on earth? ( does not effect quiz)?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Teen Titans Go Person?