Are you a style genius?

there are many people that have style but is there pure style geniuses? well try my little 12 questions quiz and you will just find out exactly after.

well most people ask are YoU a style genius? are you the person everyone wants to get style tips from? what top brands are good that you wear? well take my quiz and you will find out!!!!!!

Created by: amazon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what would you wear to a day at the park?
  2. what would you wear to a party?
  3. do you look for your friends or do they come to you?
  4. do people ask you for style tips?
  5. whats your favorite color?
  6. did you ever wear something lower than: $10 10dh 5 euro 10 pounds?
  7. how many people ask you for tips?
  8. what is your favorite brands out of these 6?
  9. what is your favorite kind of clothes?
  10. if you were a model what brand would you model for (first)?

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Quiz topic: Am I a style genius?