Are you a stalker and/or obsessed?

okay this is a load of bull. Who wants to take the time to write a description. god.okay this is a load of bull. Who wants to take the time to write a description. god.okay this is a load of bull. Who wants to take the time to write a description. god.

STALKER ALERT!!!! If you are taking this quiz you must think you might be a bit of a stalker. wow. STALKER ALERT!!!! If you are taking this quiz you must think you might be a bit of a stalker. wow. STALKER ALERT!!!! If you are taking this quiz you must think you might be a bit of a stalker. wow.

Created by: Javid Dames

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you go out of your way to see them every day?
  2. Do you write songs/lyrics about them?
  3. Do your toes curl every time you think of them?
  4. Do you know what every shirt they own looks like?
  5. Do you know all of their classes and teachers, or if youre graduated, their work schedule?
  6. Do you know all their siblings/kids/family member's names?
  7. Do you know where they dwell?
  8. Have you ever called them late at night, just to hear their voice, and not revealed your identity?
  9. You freak out if any aspect of their appearance is altered a tiny bit, like if they style their hair a bit differently one day.
  10. Do you have a favorite facial expression that they make?
  11. Have you seen them nearly naked (like in a speedo)?
  12. Have you ever considered cloning their phone or listening in on their conversations?
  13. Have you made plans or considered placing a video camera where it will transmit video images to you to view whenever you please?
  14. Have you already planted a camera somewhere so that you can secretly film your target?

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Quiz topic: Am I a stalker and/or obsessed?