Are you a smartie pants?

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Let's talk smart so are you smart I like smart people they understand be wait what did I say? Oops spilled some beans don't tell anyone shh okay? Good

Are YOU smart or a dummie no offense All jocks out there btw I'm a jock too and just did some research soo this is really awkward we'll jocks like internet so

Created by: Kkkkk of Let
(your link here more info)
  1. What's 5 x 7?
  2. What vitamin helps your hair and eyes?
  3. What grade are you (optional)
  4. If you are truly smart on the debate which candidate did people like most
  5. What is a penguin with no spots
  6. How many bids can't fly?
  7. What am I gonna say next!??!?
  8. What emoji was the most popular in 2011
  9. What do you eat?
  10. When time is it when a elephant sits on your fence?

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Quiz topic: Am I a smartie pants?