Are you a simpsons kid?

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Ok… uh… quiz to see if you are a (simpsons) kid… Have fuuuuuun. Have a nice day! Also.. some of this quiz is just plain nonsense.. *smilee* visit me on TikTok! —>; .xaraaz

Oh and.. have a nice day.. if you make it through the whole quiz I’ll give you a gift! WalalalalalalalalalalalawalallalalalalalalalalaallalaalalalalalalA

Created by: .xaraaz
  1. What would your friend say your personality is?
  2. What do you like to do in your free time?
  3. What is your skill?
  4. Ok…last question…where is your favorite place to go?
  5. Are you mad at me for saying last question when I wasn’t?
  6. Ok… last one.. did you enjoy this quiz?
  7. Nevermind.. sorry heh… what is you favorite animal? (Sorry for all of the extra questions..! I have to do it to complete this quiz! 3 more to go…)
  8. Wala wala 2 more to go! What is your favorite app?
  9. Ok.. one more! Do you like…
  10. Ok.. last one… what is your home language?

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Quiz topic: Am I a simpsons kid?
