Are You A SasuNaru Fan?

Are you a true SasuNaru fan? Do you love yaoi and shonen ai? Do you think Sasuke and Naruto are perfect for each other? Do you even think they're gay?

You're a SasuNaru fan? Are you a true one though? Find out now! If you aren't a SasuNaru fan, don't take the quiz. If you are against them then go away!

Created by: Hinata
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Did you think it was cute when Sasuke and Naruto had their first kiss together?
  2. Which is the best pairing?
  3. Was it heartbreaking seeing them fight eachother?
  4. What did you think of when Sasuke "died" by Haku?
  5. What did you think of when Sasuke knocked out Sakura and left?
  6. Do you read SasuNaru fanfiction?
  7. Do you search for SasuNaru pictures/draw them?
  8. Do you even think Sasuke or Naruto are gay?
  9. Who do you think Sasuke favors most?
  10. Sasuke and Naruto are best as...?

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Quiz topic: Am I A SasuNaru Fan?