are you a real LINKIN PARK fan?

linkin park rocks so much im just going to say hi! hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi h hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi i.....................ok bye well you did good on the test so have fun

linkin park is the best band in the world! they have sold nearly 7 billion albums and have made eight tottal albums since 2013! hope they keep rolling and creating way more albums!

Created by: Brianna Koetje
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many band members are in linkin park?
  2. who is linkin parks ead vocals?
  3. who does most of the rapping in linkin park?
  4. who does most of the turn tables?
  5. what two people play the guitars for linkin park?
  6. who plays the drums
  7. who wrights the songs
  8. What is the name of linkin parks 2013 album?
  9. what is linkin parks arigonal name?
  10. what is linkin parks first song on Hybird Theory

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Quiz topic: Am I a real LINKIN PARK fan?