are you a popular girl at your school

there are many popular people in schools but then some people are treated differently than others someone popular is some who is not shy who has lots of friends

are you popular? take this quiz and it will tell you how popular you are in school in only a few minutes but you should remember being popular means changing who you are

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. which three words describe you ?
  2. what is your favourite clothes store ?
  3. at lunchtime what table do you sit with ?
  4. how would you describe your crush
  5. you got you report card what are the subjects you got an a on
  6. your crush is walking down the corridor and he says high to you what do you do
  7. how many friends do you have
  8. what is your stereotype
  9. your in the clothes store the new girl dropped her purse what do you do
  10. what do you think of this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a popular girl at my school