Are You a Party Girl?

There's a difference between having fun and going buckwild. Are you doing random body shots? Or are you just chilling quietly with one or two close friends? Are you hungover but ready for more in the morning, or are you as sober as you were at the party? Do you dance, do karaoke, or just chill?

Are you a party girl? Or do you keep it a little more low key. If you're acting out and acting inappropriately seductive then you're a party girl. Remember, it's possible to party without winding up with incriminating photos on Facebook.

Created by: Lady Tsunade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you normally be found at a party?
  2. How many alcoholic drinks do you typically have at a social event?
  3. Have you ever gone partying when you shouldn't have, like the night before a big presentation at work or a job interview or final exam?
  4. What do you typically wear to a party?
  5. You have a big job interview in the morning, and you're at a party or bar. A cute guy comes up to you, chats with you, and eventually invites you to an after-party. Do you accept?
  6. Be honest. Has your behavior while partying caused any problems for others or yourself? You know, like embarrassment or discomfort, a catfight, a breakup, a DUI, whatever?
  7. You went out partying, and you are horribly hungover. You're supposed to be at work in an hour. But you feel like crap. Do you call in sick?
  8. Have you ever had a random hookup (regretted or otherwise) as a result of partying?
  9. How many drinks can you mix?
  10. Last question! (Just pick one. It doesn't affect your score.)

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Quiz topic: Am I a Party Girl?