Are You a Nerd, B'ed, or Jock?

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Ever wondered what clan of kids you fit with? Take this quiz, and figure it out! Welcome to are you a Nerd, B'ed, or a Jock! Please read the rules below. They aren't Difficult.

1. Please be truthful,... Honesty will get you closer in finding your clan. 2. If You are a girl, the majority in the girl options are you! If you are a boy, majority in a boy choice is you!

Created by: Nisha Kiran

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could Read a book, the genre would be...
  2. A perfect date would be to the...
  3. Your best friend's name should start with...
  4. The sky's blue because...
  5. Who is your idol?
  6. When you grow up, you wanna be a...
  7. Your favorite lipstick color is...
  8. Your must have purse must be a...
  9. If you could be anyone, you would be...
  10. You consider your self...
  11. You're grades are...

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nerd, B'ed, or Jock?