Are You A Music Type?

There are MANY people who are into music, and some who ARE NOT into music. This quiz will help you decide to go for music or lay off for a while! When you go though, each question will require you to think even harder than the next. When the results come in, make sure you read MAINLY YOURS!!!!!!! YOURS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL!!!!!!!!!

"Are YOU a Music Fan? Do you have musical skills to qualify as a "Music Princess?" Until now, you can ONLY wonder. When you go through this quiz, it will guide you to your musical world!!!!!

Created by: Leeze
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in the car, and your mom turns on some oldies.... what do you do.
  2. You are at a party and people start getting mad because the D J didn't come yet, what do you do?
  3. It's your birthday and you just got a new cd, what do you do?
  4. You are at your friends and she turns on a cd of hers.... what do you do.
  5. You realize you broke your i-pod what do you do????
  6. On the bus your friend asks you if you want to listen to her i-pod, what do you do?
  7. You put in a cd and your friends start dancing... what do you do?
  8. You and your friend are at a sleep-over. Both of you are into country, and want to listen to Carrie Underwood. You like one song, and your friend likes the other...... what do you do?
  9. If you could pick between country or rock what would you pick?
  10. Would to want to take lessons to learn how to play the PIANO or GUITAR?
  11. What volume level would you put your i-pod at?
  12. In chorus, there is a solo audition open.... what do you do if your chorus teacher asks you if you want to audition?
  13. Over all do you really think that you are a MUSIC PRINCESS????

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Quiz topic: Am I A Music Type?