Are you a mathematician

Being a mathematician doesn't mean you lecture in University or something. This test is just to test your intelligence in mathematics(Genius). Goodluck....

Are you a mathematician, just go ahead with the quiz. And will we find out. Make sure be calm answering. No calculator, just a pen and paper should be ready.

Created by: Licon
  1. If r=5z then 15z=3y. then r =
  2. Find 0.12/12 .
  3. What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of the number.
  4. If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number.
  5. If 8x + 5x + 2x + 4x=114, then 5x+3=.
  6. Which of the following has the least value..
  7. Which of the following fractions is the equivalent of 0.5%..
  8. What is the average of 7/8 and 3/4..
  9. 6y = 3x - 12 then x=..
  10. Calculate for x, x= 1 + 1 * 2...

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Quiz topic: Am I a mathematician