are you a man a woman or a sissy

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this test is designed to tell you whether you are a true man a female or a sissy. yes that's right just because you male dosent mean your a man. i hope you take the results of this test to harte

i know that this test seems a little bias as females cant be sissy but urge females to take it anyway to find out just how fem you are. and this test may better help you to understand the sissy's in your life

Created by: Gwen Sachorov
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. there are three (Basic) genders male female and sissy.
  2. do you prefer cock or p---- ?
  3. what type of clothes do you wear?
  4. is your d--- small or big?
  5. who would you rather date Carmen Electra or Hue Jackmen?
  6. do you sit or stand when you pee?
  7. what is your favorte color?
  8. which of theses would you like to do most?
  9. if i where to tell you i was a sissy what would you say?
  10. which do you believe is the superior gender?
  11. what is your aspiration in life?
  12. what is the meaning of life?

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Quiz topic: Am I a man a woman or a sissy