Are you a leader or follower

Some people are leaders, and some are followers. Witch are you, take this quiz to find out. Do you think you have what it takes to be a true born leader.

If you are a leader, awsome, but if your a follower oh well. Im a leader myself, and some people follow. Its better to lead than to follow. So good luck on the quiz.

Created by: Cody
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you see a fight, do you
  2. Someone is telling you what to do, do you
  3. You see a kid getting picked on, do you
  4. A teacher is yelling at you, do you
  5. Someone knocks down you books, do you
  6. Would you consider your self a
  7. Do you like this quiz
  8. For question number 9, did you actually pay attention to it or just pick a random answer?
  9. What do you do in your spare time
  10. Are you gay

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Quiz topic: Am I a leader or follower