Are you a hybrid?

Well you want to be a hybrid? Come to this find you're DNA if you're DNA is high you are a hybrid. But if you're DNA is low you are not a hybrid

If you are a alien you are not a hybrid go to my are you an alien quiz that was my first quiz that was my first quiz really cool I love my first quiz thank you

Created by: Jennifer Orcutt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you sometimes look like a hybrid?
  2. Do you sometimes feel like a hybrid?
  3. Do you do something like a hybrid?
  4. Are you sure you're an hybrid?
  5. What do you perer?
  6. If you are a alien you can not take this quiz
  7. I'm running out of idea's
  8. Do you smell like a hybrid?
  9. Bye bye
  10. Do you sneak like a hybrid?

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Quiz topic: Am I a hybrid?