are you a gossip girl?

Think you know everything there is to know about gossip girl? Well come see what you really know and find out if you know as much as you think you do.

Do you know more about dan, serrina, blair, nate, chuck, or jenny? Or are you a true fan and kno the whole cast? Come find out all you upper east side wanna be's.

Created by: laura
  1. Where does gossip girl take place?
  2. Which gossip queen was pregnant on the show?
  3. Which girls did not have sex with chuck?
  4. Why was serrinas brother in rehab?
  5. Who did nate cheat on blair with?
  6. How did blair find out?
  7. What is dans fathers name?
  8. Why did serrina leave?
  9. Where was serrina first spotted when she came home?
  10. Why did dan and serrina break up?

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Quiz topic: Am I a gossip girl?