Are you a good friend or a bad one

Lots of you think that they are a perfect friend but no, there are few real friends not all friends are the same. Real friends care for each other and make sure that their friend id=s happy always.

If you want to discover if you are that good friend that all of your friends can rely on. Then this is the quiz for you. Make sure to answer all the questions truly, in just a few minutes and you will find out what kind of friend are you

Created by: amazon
  1. What would you buy for your friend on his/her birthday
  2. What would you buy your friend on his/her birthday
  3. How do you think your friend will describe you
  4. What would you do if you saw your best friend crying
  5. If your friend invited you to a sleepover would you
  6. Do you call her often as my BFF
  7. Did you ever call your friend names
  8. How long is he/her your friend
  9. Do you think you are a good friend
  10. If you were friend tells you she is going to another school you will
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend or a bad one