Are You a Gnome?

Hello! I am Spoon of the gnomes. I am a gnome, and so is all of my family. Did you ever wonder if you are a gnome? If you are a magical species at all? Find out in this quiz!

Remember while taking this, magic is just undiscovered science. Science that is unknown to humans. Also keep in mind, this quiz is not a definite answer to if you are a gnome. It is just based on my experiences, and what I know about the dying gnome culture.

Created by: spoon.eats.shovel
  1. Are you short?
  2. Is there a history of magic in your family?
  3. Are your ears pointed?
  4. Do you have a connection to the wild?
  5. What is your opinion on spoons?
  6. Do you like reading or writing?
  7. Would you live in a woodland?
  8. Do you believe in science?
  9. Lichen
  10. Odd or even numbers?
  11. What cultural background do you come from?
  12. Do you wear hats?
  13. Is thirteen an unlucky number?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Gnome?
