Are You a Girly Girl or a Tomboy?

A tomboy is a girl who acts boyish and has boyish likes... A girly girl is a girl who is happy to be a girl and likes girl qualities and things... The two are very very different.

Are you a tomboy!? Or are U one of the girly girls!? Well if u wanna know, Uve clicked on the right quiz.. Take it, it doesn't require that much brain power either! =]

Created by: Kimmy $ Grace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ud rather get a Mani/Pedi than go to a basketball game with your buddies?
  2. A totally cute boy walks up to u...
  3. Pink or Black?
  4. On the T. V. Show Roseanne.. Which character would u rather be?
  5. When u go to the mall u buy...
  6. Would u rather wear a thong or girl boxers?
  7. Princess Diaries or Transformers?
  8. Just pick...
  9. Video games or a game of truth or dare?
  10. What would u rather call yourself anyway...
  11. Last question: sparkling apple juice or Pepsi.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Girly Girl or a Tomboy?