Are you a giant or not

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Ooo OOF *shoes rip button on shirt pop off* Oh hey I just to say that Ooooh that*Pop* In this you'll find out if your a Gi *Riiip* ant *Pop* ess *notice I'm in underwear*

*Still growing* I wish I could talk more but when you finish the quiz I'm sure you'll be able to talk more but this growth really hurts ohhhh (Please stand by)

Created by: Brayden Brown
  1. How tall do you think you'll be
  2. Would your clothes rip
  3. Oopps someone pushed the red button and something grew bigger than everything else
  4. How would you grow
  5. Would you shrink
  6. Would anyone grow with you
  7. Can you be hurt
  8. Where would you live as a giant
  9. Would there be a cure
  10. Do you grow?

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Quiz topic: Am I a giant or not
