Are you a Gangsta?

This is so retarded. I dont understand why i have to right this paragraph. No one is gonna read it and if they do they have no life. No one will take this quiz me and my friend are just bored. This is stupid poo-poo! I dont like this.

This is stupid. I dont want to write this so i am going to type long words. This one word is the longest word in the English language.This other word means DNA. Chromosomes are from parents and make babies. This is dumb. This is stupid.

Created by: poop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What shoes do you rock?
  2. Who is the best rapper ever?
  3. What sport do you play?
  4. Where you frum?
  5. What you city?
  6. Where do you get food?
  7. Is Q-Boogie a good rapper?
  8. What do you do in your free time?
  9. Where do you hang?
  10. Is Tupac alive?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Gangsta?