Are You A Femboy?

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You know why you're here. You want to figure out if your're a femboy or not, right? Well, go ahead and step up and take a quiz made by a femboy. So you know its gotta be good.

Questions are based on small mannerisms or decisions some may think as inconsequential. But its those little things that determine stuff. There are more obvious ones in the mix as well.

Created by: Winter
  1. What Is Your Age?
  2. What Is Your Gender?
  3. How often do you cross your legs so your knees are stacking?
  4. What is your preferred sock length?
  5. Preferred hair length
  6. How do you like your hoodies?
  7. Introverted or Extroverted?
  8. If you could pick a super power out of this list what would it be?
  9. Favorite spot/thing to do to relax
  10. Favorite color(or closest to your fav)
  11. What would you prefer to be on your bed?
  12. How much clothing do you prefer to wear?
  13. If any of these, which have you heard and like their music the most? (Song to help separate people with the same name [Some are pretty obvious tho])
  14. How's your relationship with your parents?
  15. Which anime is Astolfo from?
  16. Do you like men?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Femboy?

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