Are you a complete hoe?

"There are many types of people in the world. There are virgins, scandalous b----es, complete hoes, and the type that have no hope...the point of no return hoe.We all, of course, want to be a virgin! Some of the questions in this test may offend you. Sorry if it does. That's not its purpose.Have fun with it!

Good luck! Remember this test is not exactly right, so don't sweat too much! Have a great day and don't forget if your results came back insulting, there is still time to change. It is never too late to clean up your life. Stay srong and hope for the best! This test is strictly for fun!

Created by: Miranda
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What age group did you lose you're virginity in?
  2. Where did you lose your virginity at?
  3. Were you in a relationship with you're "first"?
  4. How many sexual partners have you had in the last 5 years?
  5. Are any of your friends or family a hoe?
  6. What race are you?
  7. How many serious relationships have you been in?
  8. Have you enjoyed taking this test?
  9. What letter does your name start with?
  10. What's your favorite color?
  11. Have you had an std before?

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Quiz topic: Am I a complete hoe?