Are you a bully

There are many forms of bulling, some that we don't even realize are happening, thanks to social media. On one is safe from some form of bulling. What can be done to bring it to center of our discussion?

Are you willing to stop bulling when you see it happening? And how are we suppose to change things if victims don't report what's happening because of fear and embarrassment??

Created by: Thom
  1. When a bully shouts something inconsiderate at
  2. When you witness someone being bullied, you...
  3. When you see a bully knock something out of someone's hand just for fun, you...
  4. When you are threatens by a bully, what is your response?
  5. If you found a bully ion a weak time of their lives, do you...?
  6. You confront a bully for being out of line and he asks you if you want to fight over it. Do you...
  7. You run into a bully 10 years later and they apologize for their behavior. What is your response
  8. In your 70's you see the bullies name in the obituary. You...?
  9. Why did you take this test?
  10. Do you think you are a bully?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bully