Are you a bro?(Pewdiepie)

There are bros, but then there are TRUE bros. True bros beat up barrels on the spot. True bros try and watch every single episode of him. Are you a regular bro, Or are you the real deal bro?

If you want to know, than take this quiz. If you don't, then I don't really get why your still reading this. But if you think you know pewdiepie like the back of your hand, then you can give this quiz a shot.

Created by: Sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Pewdiepie?
  2. Who is pewdiepies girlfriend?
  3. What is pewdiepies real name?
  4. Where is pewdiepie from?
  5. Where is pewdiepies girlfriend from?
  6. What is pewdiepie?
  7. What does pewdiepie mostly play?
  8. Pewdiepie girlfriend is afraid of (this is true and you have to be a true bro to know it)...
  9. Who is Stephano?
  10. Who does Pewdiepie hate?
  11. What was the name of Pewdiepies first video?

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Quiz topic: Am I a bro?(Pewdiepie)