are you a a true Brit (stereotype) !

this wont literally decide if your British or not its just for fun and comedy. its all very general and these stereotype are not true its all for fun !

i hope you enjoy it has questions whats your favourite meal your thoughts on football and thats all i want to say so by and please take the test and like.

Created by: the floper kid
  1. your in a restaurant and you only like your food 95% whadya do !
  2. what do you say when your mad
  3. which empire is the best.
  4. what are you wearing
  5. why did your nation conquer/want India
  6. thoughts on wwll
  7. chose your meal
  8. what is your Favorited animal as a pet
  9. how often do you brush your teeth
  10. which country do you politically h8
  11. the world cup starts !!! how do you celebrate.

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Quiz topic: Am I a a true Brit (stereotype) !
