are you a 2kan person

2kan is my way of saying toucan. A 2kan person is a person that loves 2kans. I don't know what to say so :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Are you a 2kan person? I hope you are. Do you love 2kans? Or do you not care about them? Or do you hate them? If you take my quiz you will find out. HAVE FUN!:)

Created by: 2kan
  1. what is a 2kan?
  2. what do 2kans eat?
  3. what color are 2kans?
  4. how loud are 2kans?
  5. how loud are you?
  6. what do you eat?
  7. where do 2kans live?
  8. where do 2kans make their nests?
  9. what do 2kans do?
  10. if you had a pet 2kan what would you name it?

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Quiz topic: Am I a 2kan person