Are we related?

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Hi I am looking out there to see if I have family out there. The rules are simple as: Answer the questions, look at your result, and tell me what you got!

Just leave a comment. I hope I do have a relative or two out there-I'm an only lonely child, as I call myself. Anyway, enjoy the quiz and don't forget to rate!

Created by: ameliep2003
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favourite food?
  2. Hair colour?
  3. Eye colour?
  4. Favourite colour?
  5. Favourite hobby?
  6. Friends?
  7. Lucky number?
  8. Country?
  9. Name?
  10. Hey, calm down, I wasn't trying to get your personal info!
  11. OK, last question: will you rate/comment?

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