Are u pregnant? (Girls only)

This quiz is to tell you if you are pregnant or not! If you are then congrats! (Girls only! No boys allowed!) The test will ask you if you have signs of being pregnant.

Next this quiz also asks if you already know if you are pregnant. This test has simple questions. Some are yes or no. Some are different. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Lucy
  1. Age?
  2. Whats your gender? (I might already know but just to make sure!)
  3. Do you already know your pregnant?
  4. Do u notice your weight getting bigger?
  5. Do u have your period?
  6. Did your period stop?
  7. Do you have a husband or boyfriend?
  8. Fatigue?
  9. Is your belly swollen?
  10. Are your breasts swollen
  11. Nausea?
  12. Mood swings?
  13. Headaches?
  14. Hard time pooping?
  15. Food cravings?
  16. Rate?
  17. Comment?
  18. on a scale of one to 7 how much do u like this quiz.
  19. How much do u think your pregnant
  20. How many times have u been pregnant?
  21. Vomiting?
  22. Light spotting?
  23. Had u had an ultra sound yet?
  24. Do you notice extra wait on your feet?
  25. Do you work?
  26. Are u girl?
  27. shortness of breath
  28. Have u gotten PMS? (Premenstrual syndrome)
  29. Is my quiz long?
  30. do u feel pregnant
  31. Are u planning to be a mom?
  32. Got low back pain?
  33. Do u have higher body tempature?
  34. Got morning sickness?
  35. Sensitiveness to smells?
  36. Dizzy?
  37. Fainting?
  38. heartburn
  39. bye!
  40. Wait! Ecxited?

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