Are u goth???Maybe, Maybe Not!!!

So you want to figure out if you are really true GOTHS am I right ??? Then you have come to the right place!!! This is a short quis that is asking for no personal info!!!

GOTHS are not bad!!! They are just ordinary people!!! If you see a GOTH in the hall you should not make fun of them !!! They are just like you!!! Actually, if you talk to them you might become really good friends and you might want to try being GOTH yourself !!! Take the quiz to find out if you are a true GOTH!!!

Created by: Anna-Rose Snoutfer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do u like the colors Black, red, and White???
  2. Do you like swearing at people???
  3. Do you have a boyfriend???
  4. Do you love your boyfriend???
  5. Do u listen to any Goth or EMO music???
  6. Have you ever heard of the bands Chiodos, Saosin, Silverstein, My Chemical romance, Sugarcult or Asteria???
  7. Do oyu like the bands listed in the previous question???
  8. Do you really want to be GOTH???
  9. Do you have a sorrowed heart???
  10. Do u cry often???

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